Saturday, 27 September 2008

First day of the transformation!

Today, the 27th September 2008, we started the hard work of re-decorating my new shop!

First and foremost, I would like to say a BIG, BIG THANK YOU to my Mum, Dad, Roblin (my brother-in-law), Charlotte (my sister) and my husband Paul! I really appreciate all your help!

We started on the reception room today. This room was originally my sewing room. All the machines were moved out and the room was attacked by Dad, Rob and Paul. They found a fantastic surprise when they started removing the old carpet! A BEAUTIFUL parquet floor! It needs a lot of work because it's covered in adhesive from the carpet, but it will look amazing when it's sanded and treated.

They then proceeded to strip the walls whilst my Mum and I arranged all the machines and tables in my new work room, and sorted through a mountain of haberdashery. It looks great now - I'll be able to make some beautiful garments in there.

Charlotte then brought us all lunch - which gave us a chance for a much needed break! It had been a long, long morning!

Afterwards, the picture rail started to go up and the washing machine was re-plumbed into its new home.

Here's some photo's of the progress so far. Be sure to check back soon - I'll be updating this blog regularly to show you how we're getting on!

That's all for now - it's getting late and I'm off to bed!


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